Rylee Gerrard | August 20, 2024

Finding my own way in Costa Rica

As part of our ongoing series of student travel impact stories, Costa Rica’s beautiful sights and captivating culture are explored by Winnipeg high schooler Rylee Gerrard, who experiences the transformative power of travel, self-discovery, and personal growth.

In February 2023, my entire life changed within the span of 10 days. How I saw myself, how I engaged in learning, and how I viewed the world would all begin to evolve—right from the moment my first flight touched down in San José.

Members of the tour group stopping for a photo on a beautiful, sandy beach.

I didn’t grow up a traveller. I lived in a small community outside a city, with a tight-knit family and a close group of friends. When the pandemic hit in 2020, my view of the world around me got even smaller. Out of that challenging time, however, came opportunity, as my school had announced that an upcoming EF tour in Costa Rica was open for registration.

Travelling had always been a goal of mine, but I still found myself hesitant—after all, anything that lies outside your usual routine is bound to be a bit intimidating. Ultimately though, my decision to go was rooted in the simple realization that I had nothing to lose by taking that first step. Looking back, I’ll never forget the thrill of arriving in a new place—that unique rush of emotions that meant I’d gotten over my hesitation, and was ready to explore.

One of the most memorable days on our tour was one dedicated to hiking, kayaking, swimming, and a visit to the hot springs in Arenal. The morning started off with heavy clouds on the horizon, but hanging back at our hotel was not an option—we powered through the rain and did it all anyway.

By midday, our clothes clung to our bodies. Soaked to the bone, we visited a farm-to-table restaurant for lunch, where the cooks kindly dried off our clothes using their oven. One of them accidentally burned a hole in my sweater, and she felt so bad that she gave me a set of kitchen scrubs to wear, then mixed me a Costa Rican drink called agua dulce. Made from a simple combination of hot water and Costa Rican brown sugar, it was warm, comforting and sweet—I had never had anything like it. Wearing nice, clean, dry clothes while sipping on a hot local drink was the best feeling I had all trip long.

Rylee’s oven-roasted travel sweater.

“The ability to live in the moment, to enjoy something no matter how challenging the circumstances—this is the most valuable thing I brought back with me from my EF tour.”

A lot changed for me when I came back from my Costa Rica student adventure. Though it seemed like the world around me felt different, I came to realize that what had really changed was me.  Before my tour, my outlook on myself centred heavily on academic validation and other people’s opinions.

When I started travelling though, I came to see that I was a confident, capable, self-reliant person—personal growth through travel helped me shake the need to impress other people. Gradually, I became able to get the validation that I needed on my own terms, whether from going hiking, embracing new activities, or interacting with the people I met.

While exploring Costa Rica as a student, I put my foot in the ocean for the first time. Since then, I’ve snorkeled, surfed, scuba-dived and kayaked in places I never thought I’d see, with people I’ll never forget. I share my story here because I believe everyone should know that travel is attainable. It can be challenging and intimidating, but the rewards are limitless.

So, book that trip, take the first step outside your comfort zone, and feel yourself evolve.

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