Victory in Europe: the 80th anniversary

Uncover the stories that led to a unique friendship

May 5, 1945—Germany surrenders, and The Netherlands are fully liberated by Canada and the Allies after a long campaign to drive out the occupying Nazi forces.

Eight decades later, there remains a strong connection between the Canadian and Dutch peoples. In May 2025, your students can experience present-day Dutch culture firsthand, and discover for themselves how the unique contributions of the Allied forces continue to influence modern European life, and our world today.

VE 80 tours

Discover the impact of travel

We make it easy to experience history in the present moment.

Our Historic Event Tours give students a different understanding of the world—and their place in it. They return home inspired, confident, and more connected to the world around them. But this isn’t the end of their journey—it’s the beginning. The memories, experiences, and discoveries they make will continue to shape their perspectives as well as their futures.

With over 50 years of operational experience, we know exactly how to meaningfully engage our tour groups. From participating in big ceremonies to scheduling in snack breaks, our travellers are taken care of every step of the way.

Let’s find your perfect tour together

Maybe one of these new tours is perfect for you. Or maybe you’ve got your own ideas. Whatever you’re thinking, we’re ready to help turn your travel dreams into reality. Fill out your information and we’ll be in touch to talk all about it.

Interested in leading a VE Day tour?

Simply click the button below to fill out our form and one of our expert Tour Consultants will contact you soon.