
Our promise to travel responsibly

As the world leaders in international travel, we’re dedicated to positively impacting our travellers as well as the places and people they visit—both now and for years to come. Our EF Responsible Travel initiatives focus on three specific commitments: to support local communities, to promote animal welfare, and to protect the environment. Join us as we put in the effort today to make a better world for everyone tomorrow.

Teachers, go through the full, printable list with students before departure.

Supporting the community

People and communities are the heart of every destination, breathing unique life into a place. By taking time to understand a new culture and by being thankful for its hospitality, you amplify the positive impacts of your adventure and forge deeper personal connections. All it takes is a little willingness to be curious.

  • Take time to educate yourself about your destination, its history, and its culture before you go.

  • Learn a few common words and phrases in the local language. (“Please” and “Thank you” are appreciated everywhere!)

  • Remember that when you’re traveling, you’re a guest in the communities you visit and there to understand a new perspective.

  • Wear appropriate clothing for community or surroundings you’re visiting, being especially respectful when visiting religious sites. (Your Tour Director can help with specifics, such as wearing long pants or covering your shoulders.)

  • Support local businesses to ensure your money is invested back into the community.

  • Be aware of monetary norms (tipping and negotiating are at the top of the list) in your destination.

  • Shop at stores offering products made by local artisans—and pay fair prices.

  • Eat at locally-owned restaurants, where the food is more likely to be locally-sourced. (EF selects locally-owned restaurants for group meals whenever possible.)

  • Talk to your Tour Director about when it’s appropriate to take photos.

  • Ask people for permission before taking their picture, and if taking a picture of a minor, talk to a responsible adult first.

  • Gifts can have unintended negative consequences in local communities. Consult with your teacher, Tour Director, or EF beforehand for specific instances where it might be appropriate.

  • Remember to also always be respectful of the other cultures, races, and viewpoints of those who are on your tour.

  • Consider how you tell the story of your experience—be careful about generalizing. Reflect on what you learned, how the tour changed your perspective, and what you’re going to do with your new knowledge.   

Protecting the environment

It might look a little different in your destination, but the earth is the only home we’ve got no matter where you are. By taking care of the earth at home and abroad, we can keep travelling for years to come, and see everything it has to offer. Even the littlest things add up to make a significant difference.

  • Bring a reusable water bottle, plus a water filter (or water-filtration water bottle!) if tap water isn’t drinkable in your destination.

  • Reduce waste by avoiding single-use plastics as much as possible.

  • Use your new EF backpack to carry items you purchase instead of taking a plastic or paper bag from the store or vendor.

  • To actively participate in conservation or reforestation efforts around the globe, consider participating in an EF Service Learning tour for your next adventure.

  • Travel with a reusable water bottle.

  • Avoid extra printing by opting for digital documents whenever possible and recycle necessary paperwork.

  • Bring recyclables and trash back to your hotel if you can’t find any proper waste receptacles when out for the day.

  • Reuse hotel towels and turn the lights off when you leave your room.

  • Pack your own toiletries and grooming products.

  • Use environmentally friendly beauty products (soap, shampoo, etc.) that don’t pollute local water streams.

  • Apply reef-safe sunscreen when swimming in the ocean.

  • Bring your own headphones to use on the plane.

Respecting wildlife

We’ve got fuzzy and furry (and slimy and scaly) neighbors everywhere we look. Actually seeing an animal with your own eyes is often a tour highlight, and we want to make sure our animal friends stick around to keep it that way for years to come.

  • Photograph wildlife in the wild while respecting their space.

  • Don’t support businesses charging for photos with animals. The animals are often subjected to harsh conditions beforehand in order to be willing to pose with humans and are typically poorly cared for when not in public.

  • Feeding wild animals harms their ability to find food naturally, impacts their nutrition, and teaches them to get dangerously close to humans.

  • Enjoy wild animals in their natural surroundings, rather than in captivity, wherever possible.

  • Visit responsible sanctuaries and conservation centers. Not all zoos and sanctuaries are created equal, so do research to make sure you’re visiting genuine, responsible venues.

  • Avoid activities that involve obvious animal cruelty, like bullfighting, elephant riding, or crocodile wrestling.

  • Respect natural habitats by keeping them litter free and causing as little disturbance as possible.

  • Don’t support the use of animals for soliciting money (like snake charming or posing for selfies).

  • Wild animals aren’t pets. Holding or petting wildlife can be dangerous and is not in the animal’s best interest to survive in the wild, despite your best intentions.

  • Only ride domesticated animals such as horses, donkeys, or camels because they have been conditioned to work with humans over centuries. Always make sure the animal is well cared for.

  • Don’t handle, touch, or come into close contact with wild animals (even those in captivity).

  • Don’t feed wild animals as it alters their behavior to be dependent on humans and causes them to become aggressive.

  • Don’t visit any attraction offering performances or shows involving wild animals as the training they go through to perform is cruel and unnatural.

  • Don’t consume any endangered species, buy souvenirs made from their body parts, or purchase products that involve cruelty.