What To Expect

What to expect: flights

Your flight itinerary will be available online approximately 21 days prior to departure. All groups are issued electronic tickets (e-tickets), which means you only need to bring your passport to the airport for check-in.

If a traveller has any special in-flight meal requests, they should ensure EF is aware at least two weeks prior to departure. EF will do their best to ensure that this request is accommodated. They should also confirm their requests at flight check-in.

Groups should discuss where and when they will meet on the day of the tour’s departure (e.g., at the school or at the airport). Plan to arrive at the airport three hours prior to departure for check-in.

International flight itineraries usually have one or more connections (either in the United States or overseas). Most eastbound international flights are overnight. After landing abroad, you will go through immigration and customs. Upon arrival in the first city of the tour, your Tour Director or an EF representative will meet your group once you pass through customs and exit baggage claim. Groups typically arrive in the morning and hit the ground running with Day 2 activities. Groups traveling within North America usually arrive on Day 1 on their tour.