Brent B. is a secondary teacher specializing in Canadian & World Studies in Oshawa, Ontario. He has been a chaperone or Group Leader on ten student trips abroad, including the upcoming Vimy Ridge 100th Anniversary National Student Tour, on which he has over 120 students participating (and over 20 chaperones!). Here’s how you can prepare for your tour by selecting the right travel team to represent you and your school abroad – by choosing the right chaperones.
So, you’ve just announced your school’s latest experiential learning adventure: an EF trip abroad! As the excitement builds, the students enrol and the pre-trip preparations begin. Quickly you realize that you’ve become quite the popular staff member from colleagues and parents of students that are keen to volunteer themselves as a potential chaperone and part of your designated travel team.
Every time I’ve organized a tour, the selection process regarding chaperones has always been a challenging process, as many factors need to be considered. However, this is arguably the most important decision-making process that you will go through as you prepare for the tour; after all, these are the people that will help you lead your students through a safe and successful tour of a lifetime, and not just anyone is up to the task! Here are some tips on how to get started.
Choosing the Right Travel Team: Chaperones